The GreyBlades
About this Signature Line
The GreyBlade is our first signature line. As a grey lover, I always wanted to see a row of grey chickens. They just makes me happy hence Greys are the first gamefowls that I bought when I am starting in this hobby.
The GreyBlades are, technically, 3-way crosses as well – a combination of Melsims Grey and Frost Greys plus a drop of a secret blood. They are the foundation blood of this farm and I have been fighting them for years.
GreyBlade too is a foundation bloodline for our CaRaBlades. I found that their (cockside) offsprings from 2-way crosses hens or pullets are fit for fighting or as battlefowls. Lately, I tested a GreyBlade-Redneck-Zombie cross and it was very promising.
Because of this, GreyBlades are here to stay and is expected to produce more battlefowls that can later become strains like the CaRaBlades.
Win or lose, they are my greys and I love them. Always proud of them GreyBlades.